Vue Pattern Library
with Tailwind CSS

Presentation of a student project by Marvin Klimm at the TH Köln


1. Context
2. Frontend Challenges
3. Development of the Library
4. Introduction of Tailwind CSS
5. Results
6. Outlook: Vue v3

Context of the project

My.PORTAL is a customizable web platform which is instantiable for various domains like cities, companies and schools.

The Backend

  • Microservices primarly with .NET
  • In the past RESTful
  • Almost shifted to GraphQL

The Frontend

  • Monolithic Vue-Application
  • Modularized App Dependencies
portal-frontend (main)

Challenges of the Frontend

1. Redundant CSS Definitions

SASS Mixins produce CSS repetitions and are used 400x in the project.




							.main-header {
								width: 100%;
								padding-right: 15px;
								padding-left: 15px;
								margin-right: auto;
								margin-left: auto;
							.user-list-section {
								width: 100%;
								padding-right: 15px;
								padding-left: 15px;
								margin-right: auto;
								margin-left: auto;
							.site-nav {
								display: flex;
								flex-wrap: wrap;
								margin-right: -15px;
								margin-left: -15px;
							.user-list {
								display: flex;
								flex-wrap: wrap;
								margin-right: -15px;
								margin-left: -15px;
							.site-nav__item {
								position: relative;
								width: 100%;
								padding-right: 15px;
								padding-left: 15px;
								flex: 0 0 33.33%;
								max-width: 33.33%;
							.user-list__item {
								position: relative;
								width: 100%;
								padding-right: 15px;
								padding-left: 15px;
								flex: 0 0 33.33%;
								max-width: 33.33%;
							@media (max-width: 991.98px) {
								.user-list__item {
									flex: 0 0 50%;
									max-width: 50%;
							@media (max-width: 767.98px) {
								.user-list__item {
									flex: 0 0 100%;
									max-width: 100%;

2. Unused CSS Classes

Due to updates and code changes there are CSS Classes which are not used anymore. To detect or validate that these classes are not used anymore is difficult.

3. Property Hell

  • Properties which had been introduced for only one-time usage
  • Properties which are piped through different components
Property Hell

4. Component-Management

  • Atomic Design Classification Problems
  • One-Time Components are blowing up category-directories

							// Component patterns/Navbar.vue imports:
							import NavTab from '../../molecules/Navigation/NavTab.vue'
							import NavTabButton from '../../molecules/Navigation/NavTabButton.vue'
							// both are only used by Navbar.vue and 
							// therefore polluting /molecules 

5. Post-Modularization

Moving styling and script parts out of one component into an own (for reusage in other components) requires effort, as the chances of losing code are high.

6. Manual Component Documentation

  • requires effort for developers
  • developers are lazy

7. Dependency of portal-config in portal-global-components

  • portal-config: A Portal-Konfiguration File
  • pattern library therefore not usable in other projects
  • maintanance of two repositories when configuration changes

Development of the new Component Library


  • Introduction of Tailwind CSS
  • Isolated component development
  • Automatic documentation of components
  • Easy component management

Possible Frameworks

  • Vue-Styleguidist: Code commentaries generating a documentation
  • Vue Design System: Relies on Vue-Stylguidist, introduces an alternative to default atomic design:
    Design Tokens, Elements, Patterns, Templates
  • Storybook.js: Strong Foundation with alot of Plugins. Documentation via File-Imports.

Descision: Storybook.js

  • Storefronts (Vue-Styleguidist): Represenation of the whole Design System
  • Workshop (Storybook): Envoirment for creating components
  • Requirements more workshop-related
  • But with usage of terminologies from Vue Design System

> Demo of Repository

Introduction of
Tailwind CSS

“While the utility-class-focused approach of new frameworks like Tailwind CSS make you question everything you know about writing “proper” semantic CSS, its 81% satisfaction ratio means that it might be time to reconsider our old preconceived notions...”
Greif and Benitte, State of CSS 2019

General Pros

  • Algolia decreased their css size by 60%
  • Adaptability
  • Controllable file size
  • PurgeCSS
  • Compression capabilities

My.PORTAL Chances and Risik

  • Preventing redundant CSS
  • Preventing unused CSS
  • Supporting post-modularization
  • portal-config tailwind.conf.js
  • Less custom style properties
  • long-term experience
  • Technology Conflicts
  • Upcoming upgrade to node v12

> Demo of Repository



  • Mixin alone was effecting +34kB
  • Now Tailwind CSS equivalent: +3,9kB
  • No complete frontend shift to tailwind yet, expecting same improvements like Agolia
  • CSS classes getting pruged
  • Property Hell only partially improved: Slot design introduces further improvements
  • CSS easily post-modularizable, Script still hard
  • base tailwind.config.js much more adaptable then portal-config
  • developers like the tailwind style over sass

Confirmed Risks

  • Bootstraps reboot.scss vs Tailwinds reset.css
  • Third-Party Plugin Styles vs PurgeCSS
  • Node v12 upgrade still not possible as node-sass still exists in My.PORTAL

Further Observations

  • Debugging: Utilities in markup are making it harder to identify specific sections.
  • Longer Build Time caused by PurgeCSS

Outlook: Vue.js Version 3

Most relevant modification: Composition API

  • Alternative to the Options API
  • Composables are categorzied by context
  • helps to understand complex components better
  • supports code reusage between multiple components
  • helps to extract code
